Event Overview

This excellent webinar, part of London Climate Action Week, offered an invaluable platform for discussing the urgent issue of accelerating clean energy access in Africa. With approximately 600 million people on the continent lacking electricity, the demand for sustainable energy solutions is critical. Off-grid solar and mini-grid systems stand out as transformative solutions, providing reliable electricity while significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels. However, scaling these solutions requires substantial investment, making carbon finance a crucial element.


  • Susie Wheeldon, Head of Communications, GOGLA


  • Rosalie Marsden, Senior Associate, Acumen
  • William Brent, CMO, Husk Power Systems (Minigrids – Nigeria)
  • Dennis Nderitu, Energy Systems Manager, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet
  • Pablo Fernandez, CEO, EcoSecurities 


Watch here

(Passcode: LW!8h5!R)

Reflecting on the event, I am inspired and motivated. Despite the challenges in quantifying adaptation benefits and navigating complex carbon markets, the path forward is clear. Through collaboration, innovation, and policy advocacy, we can unlock the full potential of carbon finance for energy access in Africa. This approach addresses climate change mitigation while fostering resilience and economic growth in communities that need it most. Participating in this event reaffirmed the collective power we have to drive meaningful change. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for Africa.

Pablo Fernandez
CEO • EcoSecurities
