Rajang Delta Mangrove and Peatland Restoration Project
Conserving and restoring mangroves and peatland
Sarawak, Malaysia
15,000 hectares
160,000 tCO2e per annum
30 years

Rajang Delta, Sarawak, Malaysia
Rajang Delta Mangrove and Peatland Restoration Project

The Rajang Delta Mangrove and Peatland Restoration Project – conserving and restoring mangrove forests and peatland.
Malaysia’s Rajang Delta is one of the most biodiverse areas on earth, but its mangrove forests with all their biodiversity are threatened by decades of logging and palm oil development.
In an area of 77,600 hectares, where little blue carbon data is yet available, this project will define the technical, social, and financial viability of blue carbon projects in the Delta. The intention is to map how investment can be directed towards strengthening community wellbeing, restoring and protecting endangered habitat, and building long-term ecosystem resilience.
We are currently in the preparation phase of a multi-year blue carbon project which has significant climate mitigation and adaptation potential. Carbon finance from mangrove conservation and restoration will include community benefit sharing mechanisms underpinning the continued conservation of the Delta’s forests over the long term.
Preparation phase activities include:
- Development of a credible emissions profile based on climate and environment science
- Consultation with local communities on benefit sharing mechanisms, governance and land tenure
- Undertaking a community-led assessment of rights, resources, and preferred future management scenarios
- Seeking financial and legal clarity in preparing the roadmap for investment in the implementation of the Rajang Delta’s blue carbon project
- Preparing an investment proposal for consideration by potential investors which will form the basis of a VCS and CCB Project Description
- Outline a conservation and community investment proposition, including a roadmap for next steps
Activities already underway include:
- Consultation with the Sarawak Forest Department on the proposed project
- Rapid technical assessment and estimation of emission profile for the Project by EcoSecurities.
- Submission of an Expression of Interest to the Sarawak Forest Department
- Field tour, community introductions and Sarawak Government engagement
- Application for Carbon Study Permit to Sarawak Forest Department
- Establishment of collaborative task forces including community stakeholders, society groups and NGOs.

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On the ground impact

The co-benefits and impact of the Rajang Delta project include:
- An increasing acreage of land under permanent protection
- A decreasing number of illegal mangroves harvesting cases
- A growing number of critically threatened species protected
- Ecosystem restoration, with: A growing population of keystone fauna, Increased richness and abundance of flora species.
Supporting the SDGs
1 – No poverty
3 – Good health & wellbeing
5 – Gender equality
8 – Decent work & economic growth
13 – Climate action
15 – Life on land
17 – Partnerships for the goals

10-Step guide to purchasing carbon credits and investing in climate projects
Take a look at our 10-step guide to purchasing carbon credits and why investing in climate projects over the long-term is vital to deliver transformational impact on the ground.