Our portfolio


Carbono Rural Paraguay – Soil Carbon & Agriculture Project

  • Location pin icon

    Paraguayan Chaco

  • Leaf icon

    Regenerative Agriculture

  • Area icon

    250,000 hectares

  • Cloud icon

    500,000 tCO2e / annum

  • Clock icon

    10 years




Location pin

Paraguayan Chaco

Carbono Rural Paraguay – promoting sustainable management and restoration of grasslands

This highly scalable improved agricultural land management program consists of farmlands across the Paraguayan Chaco that introduces  sustainable cattle ranching practices, alongside better management and restoration of degraded pastures. Carbono Rural focuses on increasing carbon capture in the soil (carbon removal), reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the rotation of cattle on grasslands and the restoration and enrichment of degraded pastures.

The project focuses on creating green jobs, diversifying livelihoods through agroforestry, and providing environmental education and training opportunities. By leveraging climate finance, the project intends to generate significant ecological and economic benefits, including improved air quality, enhanced biodiversity, and increased soil and forest health.


Interested in investing in this project?

The involvement of an investor will be pivotal in this project, providing the financial resources to scale the project over the long- term and secure high-quality, high-integrity carbon credits. This project represents a unique opportunity to support the transition to more sustainable cattle ranching practices, restore vital habitats, conserve endangered species and provide critical green jobs for indigenous people and local communities.

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On the ground impact

By design, Carbono Rural enhances sustainable pasture productivity, which in turn increases carbon capture in the soil. These impactful on the ground activities are delivering the following sustainable benefits across the agricultural sector and beyond:

  • Enabling and supporting farmers in their transition to sustainable grazing practices
  • Restoring soil properties and prevent further land and pasture degradation
  • Enhancing soil organic carbon sequestration and reduce carbon emissions
  • Delivering additional social and environmental impacts including:
    i. increasing the number of rural workers and their capacities to manage grazing
    ii. enhancing the biodiversity of soils and grasslands
    iii. strengthening community resilience
    iv. improving the wellbeing of rural workers

To access the stakeholder consultation page for this project please click here.

Supporting the SDGs

  • 8 – Decent work & economic growth

  • 12 – Responsible consumption & production

  • 13 – Climate action

    Annual emissions reduction: 500,000 tCO2e

  • 15 – Life on land

    Net positive impacts to biodiversity

  • 17 – Partnerships for the goals

    Multi-stakeholder partnerships between government, indigenous peoples, NGOs, & private sector

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Have a question about our services or want to get in touch about your net zero or decarbonisation goals?

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