Given the urgent need to reduce greenhouse has emissions and contribute to the sustainability of productive systems, EcoSecurities has launched the Panambi project, which aims to encourage the maintenance of the Paraguayan Chaco Forests. The “PANAMBI REDD+ PROJECT: FOREST CONSERVATION IN THE PARAGUAYAN CHACO” project is under development using the “Verified Carbon Standard” of Verra, and intends to generate carbon credits from the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. EcoSecurities is coordinating the project, and its implementation is being be carried out by landowners of the Paraguayan Chaco.

Stakeholders interested in or potentially affected by the project are invited to participate in the stakeholder consultation process. Below, you can find a description of the project including information on project activities, objectives, scale, duration, implementation plan, economic, social and environmental impacts, and contribution to sustainable development objectives.

Stakeholder Consultation English

Stakeholder Consultation Español

All comments will be carefully analysed and answered. The following communication channels are available:

By e-mail to:


By regular mail to any of the following addresses:

1) EcoSecurities do Brasil

Avenida Pre Presidente Wilson, 231 – 14° andar, sala 208

Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20030-905

2) EcoSecurities Head Office:

Rue de la Faïencerie 2,

1227 Carouge,



The grievance procedure for this project is available here.

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